Den Sake is made with rice from just one farm in California
Rue & Forsman grows more than a dozen varieties of rice and is the exclusive rice supplier for Den Sake.
At Rue & Forsman Ranch, Michael Bosworth continues his family’s farming tradition, which began when Frank Rue and John Forsman began raising cattle on a ranch about 10 miles south of Marysville, California, in 1946. Since then the farm has evolved, with rice production introduced in 1974 by Michael Rue. The family began farming rice organically in 1997 in order to diversify their operation and today, they have 271 acres under cultivation that are certified organic by the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) certification agency.
When rice is ready to be harvested, the stalks will fall over, like you see in the photos above as well as in this video. The seed heads get heavy and have to dry in order to be harvested.
In addition to farming organically, Rue & Forsman takes steps to lessen the farm’s impact on the environment by leveling their fields through GPS technology to reduce water use. They also use GPS to steer their tractors to reduce fuel consumption. Straw that remains after harvest is incorporated into the soil to help build organic matter. Perhaps most interesting, though, is the farm’s partnership with The Nature Conservancy. They’re working to make the farm a weigh station for migratory birds. “We flood our fields earlier and leave the water on longer,” says Michael, “to ensure the birds have habitat during their migration.”

Rue & Forsman Ranch
2640 Hoffman Road, Olivehurst, CA 95961