RECIPE: Egg-Yolk Pasta

At Food Building in Minneapolis, chef Ian Gray makes his pasta with flour milled on site each day by Baker’s Field Flour & Bread. Fresh flour behaves differently in recipes, requiring more liquid, in this case egg yolk, than standard AP flour that’s been sitting on a store shelf for months.

Recipe courtesy of Ian Gray, Kieran’s Kitchen Northeast

  • 4 cups sifted flour

  • 3 Tbsp salt

  • 2 to 3 cups egg yolk

| Preparation | Using the paddle attachment on a stand mixer, combine the flour and salt. Gradually add egg yolk at a slow pace until the dough forms pea size bits.

Stop the mixer and feel the dough see if it needs more egg yolk. If you squeeze it and it comes together like playdoh, its good, if its crumbly, its dry, if it leaves egg residue on your fingers, then it’s too wet. If it’s too wet, add a bit of flour, if it’s too dry, add egg yolk.

Let rest for 20 minutes, roll to desired shape. Dough can keep for up to 36 hours or so.

Catherine Neville