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Domaine Santé brings the only sugar alternative made from sustainably-sourced California wine grapes: grape nectar.

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Grape nectar makes all of your foods and beverages taste infinitely better with just a couple of drops. Plus, wine grapes are nutrient-dense superfruits, making grape nectar a healthier alternative as well! Check our more on our three blends and delicious recipes on our site.

We generally ship within 24 hours. Unopened, undamaged items may be returned for a full refund or exchange.

Meet the Makers Feature

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Contributor Cheryl Baehr checked in with Domaine Santé’s Emily Josenhans to talk about the origin of this innovative product and how her experience as a nutritionist inspired it’s creation. Read the interview here!


tasteMAKERS is proud to partner with these artisan makers. Each product sold in the Makers Marketplace is made with care by a growing list of vendors from across the country. We send all orders directly to the makers for fulfillment; products are shipped from vendor to customer. Each item is shipped individually, so shipping prices and methods vary.