Wild Alaska seafood is accepted as a "best choice" for an environmentally concerned consumer. Sena Sea Seafoods is always harvested via environmentally sound and sustainable methods so our customers know they are making an ethical seafood choice.
Commitment to Excellence
Sena Sea Seafoods is the perfect marriage of quality and experience. Above all else we want to share the love by providing you with the amazing seafood that our family has been enjoying for three generations. From the pristine waters of Alaska, fresh to your table, we deliver quality in the most sustainable and ethical way possible.
Our name, Sena Sea, is a twist on Sena's name - Sena C. Wheeler - but her parents get credit for the clever play-on-words, changing her middle initial from “C” to “Sea” to be more seaworthy when they named their pleasure boat after her (a great honor, and a beautiful boat!). The Miss CamiLou is our gillnet boat, and our pride and joy, named after both our daughters (middle names: Camille and Louise).

Sena Wheeler’s official line is that she’s the third generation of her family in the fishing business. Actually, her roots run much deeper – and are not as they might appear. Get to know the Wheelers in contributor Cheryl Baehr’s in-depth profile.
tasteMAKERS is proud to partner with these artisan makers. Each product sold in the Makers Marketplace is made with care by a growing list of vendors from across the country. We send all orders directly to the makers for fulfillment; products are shipped from vendor to customer. Each item is shipped individually, so shipping prices and methods vary.