Step inside Food Building
In Minneapolis, there is a place that represents what can happen when values-driven makers are unified under one roof, delivering products crafted from locally-sourced ingredients, all brought to life in a restaurant that shares the same space. In this episode, you’re going to meet a cheesemaker, a baker and a butcher along with the farmers who supply them with the raw ingredients they rely on to create their products.
This unique space is the brainchild of Kieran Folliard, the culinary entrepreneur who envisioned Food Building (which was just named food writer Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl’s Best Restaurant of 2019) as a place to put a focus on the local food movement. You’ve heard it before: buy local. But have you thought about why? When you buy locally-produced goods you keep those dollars in your communities. The local tax base is supported, local jobs are created and locally-made goods have a lower carbon footprint than those made far away and shipped in.
The makers here at Food Building source the raw ingredients they use to make their products from small farms. It’s this commitment to supporting the local food economy that’s a needed link in the food chain to ensure that values-driven small farmers can survive in a food economy that often is driven by price rather than quality.

Food Building
1401 Marshall St. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413