Recipe: Tofu Noodle Salad


Recipe from Grandma Yang, courtesy of Phoenix Bean Tofu

This recipe uses Phoenix Bean noodles that are made of tofu, which can be found in Phoenix Bean’s distribution area. If you can’t find Phoenix Bean locally, you can check with a nearby Asian grocery store or order similar noodles online. The noodles are surprisingly similar to pasta in their texture and are entirely gluten free as they are made of tofu.

| Ingredients |

  • 8 oz. bag Phoenix Bean tofu noodles

  • 16 baby carrots

  • 4 stalks celery

  • 2 stems green onion

  • 1 head mustard greens

  • 2 Tbsp extra light olive oil

  • 1/2 tsp granulated sugar

  • 1/2 to 1 tsp salt

| Preparation | Open the bag of noodles and rinse in water; let dry. Cut noodles to 2-inch lengths.

Cut baby carrots, celery, green onions and mustard greens into thin slices. In a bowl, mix dressing ingredients (olive oil, sugar, salt), add noodles and toss. Adjust the saltiness to your taste.

Cover the bowl and serve at room temperature.

Catherine Neville